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True wisdom begins with giving me lots of chocolate... |
Want an Automatic Mentor in Mautic?
Want to be more productive? Studies have found that being accountable to others helps get stuff done. But the problem is finding someone you're comfortable with.Imagine if there was a smart fella who could mentor you automatically - well, now there is!
Just follow the instructions below and you've got it. All the mentoring happens through your email - so there's no escape!
But wait - there's more!
here's also a free business in a box - pour in the facebook ads, traffic goes to blog to upgrade to TY sales page to welcome email sequence to sales page to payment page to course email sequence.Note: NOT a membership site.
Note: Putting strip in got awfully complicated, so I put the second half of it here: Mautic and Stripe
Here's what you get
- Checkout Page (working on)
- Uses Stripe
- has stripe in page
- does cash bit
- sends email with link to optin page with code in URL that allows to work
- Optin Landing Page
- has name, email, text box
- 1st email
- has name, email, filled in box hidden in link
- Goes back to optin landing page
- auto fills in name, email, text box
- auto shows text and stuff selected from array based on what in email link (later)
- auto deletes from subscription, then re-subscribes, so can loop through.
- Scope creep
- change name field for carrying data to some other field
- make long list of input fields and boxes above input fields
- make course plan
- make full course on 1 page but jump to particular day using inspiration from leadpages marketplace
- each day has header, video from youtube, text, then questions with input boxes, hidden content for next email, link to printoff page that autofilled in (instead of pdf) - later as pocketmod?
- first draft no video, no printoff page
- make pretty using stupid.css from mdipierro
- Make content
- make content create-able on another page of input boxes - or easier is template of google docs with table in, download, then copy and paste back here
- make page create-able on google spreadsheet and have embedded in here
- inspiration for course: leadpages courses (but awfully complex), leadquiz course (simple 4 part), ramit finisher, eben shorter ones,
- make sales page, initial optin.
- Convert optin so integrates with stripe so can charge for it
- webcopy - ramit stuff for optin, TY, sales, etc
- Ultimate funnel
- FB
- blog post with sales copy to upgrade to WDB - optin
- WDB 1 page template with sales copy to upgrade to AAM
- within WDB - short then link to full sales copy
- on TY page - full sales copy
- in email sequence link to full sales copy
- then optin page - with stripe so pay for it
- First email
- Course page
- has all course episodes but all hidden
- loops to email, then course then email etc
- Thought tangents as doing this:
- Webcopy
- Michael hyatt home page quite formulaic - good
- Structures for sales page beginning
- This how is - or should be but isn't, this how actually is, where the problem arises eg diess, eg
- If you like most (target market) you (compliments), but (problems arise) eg hyatt
- Have you ever wondered how (expert) does X?
- Use radio bullets to select opener option
This works:
1. Create landing page
2. Create emails
3. Create forms
4. Put form into webpage
5. Put script into webpage
6. Create the campaign
1. Create landing page
- Components -> Landing pages, +New (on right)
- Blank, selected,
- Title: Automatic Mentor, apply
- Builder, text
- The Amazing
- that gets your stuff done
- Here's a simple way to ensure you get the rewards for the work you've done...
- Drag button onto screen (I want this!)
- Center everything
- Close builder
- Apply
- Save and close
- Is here...
- Automatic Mentor
2. Create emails
- Channels -> Emails, +New, New Template email (ie autorespond email)
- Theme: Blank
- Subject: {contactfield=firstname}, this is your Automatic Mentor
- Internal Name: Email from Automatic Mentor
- Builder
- click on big email that's been done on left, go down right bit to customize slot, click code button, edit the email to...
Why hello there {contactfield=firstname}
<br>It is indeed a pleasure to meet you.
<br>Here's your next link: <a href="https://robstestinglab.mautic.net/automatic-mentor?v={contactfield=firstname}" target="_blank">Go here...</a>
<br>{unsubscribe_text} | {webview_text} - exit builder, save and closeCaution: sometimes Mautic doesn't save it when it says it does, so best to go back and recheck to make sure is correct.This gets the data into the URL of the webpage, now want to auto fill in boxesNote: later use something other than first name for storing data.Maximum can transmit thru URL is 3000chr
3. Create forms
- Components->Forms, new form
- New Campaign form -> Select:
- Details...
- Name: Automatic Mentor Form
- Successful Submit Action - Redirect URL - https://www.google.co.nz
- Kiosk mode no, render style yes
- Fields...
- Text
- General: Label: Name, show label yes, save result yes
- Contact field: Matching contact field: Core First Name
- Validation required yes
- Behavior: Show when value exists yes, autofill data no
- add
- General: Label: Email, show label yes, save result yes
- Contact field: Matching contact field: Core Email
- Validation required yes
- add
- Actions...
- Add a submit action
- Send email to user
- Name: 1st email
- Email to send: Welcome 01
- Apply, save and close
4. Put form into webpage
- Put the form into landing page
- Components -> Forms, click Automatic Mentor Form
- Form HTML (blue/green box on right)
- Manual copy
- Copy both boxes to a handy empty txt file
- Go to Components->Landing Pages - > Automatic Mentor
- Edit -> Code Mode (ok) -> Builder
- Put the first box (the script stuff) into the head
- Replace the <a ... </a> link that had the button with the second lot of stuff
- close builder, save and close
5. Put script into webpage
- this allows to pass data from URL (from email link) into input boxes
- so components - landing page - automatic mentor - edit (code mode) - builder
- paste this just before </body>
- <script>
- var query = window.location.search;
- if (query.substring(0, 1) == '?') {query = query.substring(1);}
- var data = query.split(/=|&/);
- for (i = 0; (i < data.length); i++) {data[i] = unescape(data[i]);}
- document.getElementById('mauticform_input_automaticmentorform_f_name').value = data[1];
- </script>
- close builder, save and close
- sets up so sends the email, and then deletes the subscriber so that can loop through campaign.
- This is because Mautic won't repeat campaigns for subscribers.
- The disadvantage of this is that you lose all data eg tags, subscriber lists, etc that have about subsciber except what in field.
- Campaign -> +new
- Name: Automatic Mentor Campaign
- Campaign builder
- Contact sources - Campaign forms - Campaign form: Automatic Mentor Form, add
- Click on bottom bulb thing - Action, select - send email
- Send email, name: Automatic Mentor email 01, at relative time period:5 minutes, email to send: Email from Automatic Mentor, transactional, add.
- Click on bottom bulb thing of Contact Source again - Action, select - Delete contact
- Close builder
- Published - yes
- apply, save and close
Still to do
get stripe working
Get stripe working:1. Create payment page
- components - landing page - +new, title: Automatic Mentor Payment Page, save and close
- is at: Automatic Mentor Payment Page
- Edit, select blank theme, builder
- click on text then go down and right to customize code to code bit </>
- paste this:
- <h1 style="text-align: center;">Automatic Mentor Payment Page</h1>
- The Automatic Mentor is pretty darn good:
- <ul>
- <li>someone who holds you accountable</li>
- <li>scientifically proven techniques</li>
- <li>gives you consistency without effort</li>
- </ul>
- Here's where you can get it... <br> <br>
- Enter your CC details and you'll get the first page immediately. <br> <br>
- zzzzzz
- (It's using Stripe as the payment mechanism so very safe - used all over the world by millions of companies, I like it because hopefully it's going to be simple to run)
- <div data-empty="true"> <br> </div>
- close builder, save and close
I had done this some time ago in google docs, (ie 28 March 2017) for web2py, so just copying straight over here.
Using stripe because…
-no setup fee
-no monthly/membership fee
-charges are only per transaction
-each transaction only costs 30 cents and then 2.9% of charge (as 26/03/2017)
-NZ based branch
-I like all this because no upfront costs, only charges after already making money.
-but don’t forget credit card charges and tax.
-can also rig so paid daily, weekly or monthly so doesn’t clutter up bank statements.
About this process:
-The first transaction takes 1 week and subsequent ones take only 2 days
-I’m being very detailed because I want to publish this process on my website later
So let’s start!
1. Create Account
-Click on the create account button on home page
-For me, I’m using the usual password (bum) but the first word is in capitals, and the special character is very last and is applicable to “the barefoot X”. I know this is obscure, but it needs to have upper case and lower case and special characters. This is to help me remember this if I return to this in 2 years or something, and if I publish this online I really don’t want any security issues.
-I’m finding this process quite interesting because I’m scared fartless about making a mistake. After all, this is where we start talking about actual money, and vulnerability and stuff. I notice physically every movement I’m making seems to be very slow!
-It then takes you to the dashboard…
And then…
You’ll also need to confirm your email.
2. Settings
Head into profile and tick the email stuff
Go back then click on activate your account
-I’m not going to give you any details here except I used my robstestinglab pythonanywhere website and said I was using this for developing an app. I also used my google+ to verify.
-This is also where you enter your bank details.
-A little hint: You must also enter your bank account details like this 00-1234-1234567-00 - see the little minus signs? Not a big deal but good to know.
-Gosh, that bit was a little nerve racking. Bank details, you know. But here we are…
3. Make checkout page to accept payment
-We’re just going to embed stuff at this stage using their Checkout thingy.
-Unfortunately have to go checkout then registration, I don’t know if can automatically enter the registration details, so at this stage just re-enter.
-So going to bang the checkout in your web2py membership home page.
-note: later delete the link to the registration page because want it so can only get there if paid.
-Also we’re just going to have one-off payments at this stage, not remembering details or anything like that.
-Ooooh their test mode is pretty.
-so make sure you’re logged into the stripe.co.nz dashboard. https://dashboard.stripe.com/login
-if you’re logged in, they generate the code for you! Woohoo!
-remember View e/b1 in your web2py app?
-Paste the code in there after the {{=display_page}}
<form action="/your-server-side-code" method="POST">
-this has the test key on it under data-key. To find the live one, go to your dashboard, and on the left column is API. Click on there, re-confirm your password and you’ll see the keys. (I won’t show a screenshot for obvious security reasons).
-If you want your checkout cart live, in view e/b1 swap the test publishable key (pk_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) with your live one. At this stage we’ll leave it as is.
-Add data-zip-code="true" to the code above somewhere in the script thingy.
-to test it, use 424242424242 as CC number, a randomly made up email with @ and com, any nearby future date and 3 digit for
<form action="/pay" method="POST">
-and also enable block if zip code verification fails under Radar. This helps reduce fraud.
My server side code: Use pay cos is the function under controller made later and also as a view as e/pay.
Note delete this box later when make this public, but works well for now.
<form action="/pay" method="POST">
3. Make Checkout Page to Accept Payment
Put Code into Muatic Landing PageOK, now going to put into mautic instead of web2py...
This replaces from step 3 above.
- so make sure you’re logged into the stripe.co.nz dashboard.
- go to https://stripe.com/docs/checkout/tutorial
- if you’re logged in, they generate the code for you! Woohoo!
<form action="/your-server-side-code" method="POST">
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
- OK, just paste that into the landing page code, ie replace the zzzzzz
- ie
- <html><head>
- <title>{pagetitle}</title>
- <meta name="description" content="{pagemetadescription}" />
- </head>
- <body class="ui-sortable"><div data-section-wrapper="1"><center><table data-section="1" style="width: 600;" width="600" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><div data-slot-container="1" style="min-height: 30px"><div data-slot="text">
- <h1 style="text-align: center;">Automatic Mentor Payment Page</h1>
- The Automatic Mentor is pretty darn good:
- <ul>
- <li>someone who holds you accountable</li>
- <li>scientifically proven techniques</li>
- <li>gives you consistency without effort</li>
- </ul>
- Here's where you can get it...
- <br /><br />
- Enter your CC details and you'll get the first page immediately.
- <br /><br />
- <form action="/your-server-side-code" method="POST">
- <script
- src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button" data-key="pk_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" data-amount="999" data-name="robstestinglab.pythonanywhere" data-description="Widget" data-image="https://stripe.com/img/documentation/checkout/marketplace.png" data-locale="auto" data-currency="nzd" />
- </script>
- </form>
- <br /><br />
- (It's using Stripe as the payment mechanism so very safe - used all over the world by millions of companies, I like it because hopefully it's going to be simple to run)
- <div data-empty="true"><br /></div>
- </div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div></body>
- </html>
- xxx
Previous figuring out...
This was from getting data from URL into optin boxes:----------------------------------
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>
<FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="variable_output.html">
Type your first name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="FirstName"><br>
Type your last name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LastName"><br>
Type your teeth: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Bonkers" value ="socks"><br>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Click and See">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>
This is the output...
var query = window.location.search;
// Skip the leading ?, which should always be there,
// but be careful anyway
if (query.substring(0, 1) == '?') {
query = query.substring(1);
var data = query.split(/=|&/);
for (i = 0; (i < data.length); i++) {
data[i] = unescape(data[i]);
<h1>This is what the array contains:</h1>
for (i = 0; (i < data.length); i++) {
document.write("<li>" + data[i] + "</li>\n");
note uses regexp for multiple splitting ie = is
| means or/ means start or end regular expression
[] means anything inside here
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