Website Analytics

Google TAG manager
What have we found here?

Is this a clue that will give you an amazing ability to get traffic, help people to find your blog, make a difference in their lives, and maybe enable them to give you lots of acclaim and money?

Or are you like Sherlock up the creek without a magnifying glass?

Having decent analytics looks pretty important, but to be honest, I have no idea at this stage. So I'm going to follow the instructions on how to set it up, and maybe later update it to let you know the results.

(Warning: I stole most of this article from here: )

Google Tag Manager looks pretty darn good, so let's follow these instructions.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) manages ALL the other analytic things - google analytics, FB pixels, etc.

  1. Visit
  2. Log in
  3. Set up account
  4. -I did it with "How To Fix My Injury", and decided to share my data cos I'm a nice guy.
  5. Set up container
  6. -I did it with ""
  7. -I created it for web (do I need to do this for android and iOS as well?)
  8. OK the small print
  9. Got a snippet
  10. Go to your blogspot dashboard, go to template, edit HTML, go to immediately after <body>, paste this: <!--Putting in Google Tag stuff here just after the <body> bit-->
  11. Then putting in the snippet from TAG manager
  12. Then this bit here: <!--Ending Google Tag stuff here -->
  13. Just make sure you change the & symbol to &amp;
  14. (Thanks
  15. Then save template.

Google Analytics

This supplies the data TO the Tag Manager.
So to create the GA data within GTM...

  1. Visit, sign up
  2. Account Name: How To Fix My Injury
  3. Account Website:
  4. Account URL:
  5. Industry Category: Healthcare
  6. Time Zone: NZ
  7. Data Sharing Settings: All ticked
  8. OK the service agreement
  9. DON'T insert the tracking script into the template.
  10. Instead go back to GTM
  11. Add Tag
  12. Untitled Tag to GA First Tag just monitoring Pages
  13. Choose Product: GA
  14. Choose Tag Type: Universal Analytics
  15. Configure Tag: Tracking ID: UA-123456789-1
  16. -Get the tracking id from GA - properties - property settings
  17. Track type: Page view
  18. continue
  19. Fire on: All Pages
  20. Create Tag
  21. Publish!
This way can do some funky stuff as withing the Digital marketer article - but not up to that bit yet.

Just about to start the Variables bit of that article.

By the way, can also add the verification tag from Google Search Console, the NEW google webmasters tools - got how to do it from

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