Web Copy

PSM_V39_D312_A_gilling_machine Oh dear. Making a page is hard work. The blank screen. The keyboard taunting you. Sweat pouring out your pores. Imagine if an idea-extractinator machine could automatically download your cool ideas onto the page with a push of a button. Swoosh, and hey look! All the hard work was done. Wouldn't that be fantastic? You'd be able to publish left, right and centre! You'd be world famous, with teenage girls screaming in joy as you walked out of your limousine! Kim Kardashian would be jealous that you stole her place on the front cover of Woman's Day! You'd be able to get away with exclaimation marks at the end of every single sentence!!!

Well, here is that idea-extractinator...

[code language="html"] [/code]
<!-- Copy and paste me into the text bit of your wordpress, and it will hide these questions when you answer them --> <!--decision - Theme getting away from or towards pleasure? Probably best to start with an away from. --> <h2>Image</h2> <!--image--> <!--worst case scenario - what the emotion? Use people with emotion--> <!--google, type emotion, images, usage rights for re-use (usually pretty crappy images but go thru)--> <!-- <!--Headline - How to Get X--> <!--01. (here's a) (cool titled) "Product" that does result (for you)--> <!--02. (Here's how to get) all the XYZ RESULTS you want, without (getting bad stuff, having to do bad stuff), even if (objection)--> <!--03. How to get XYZ RESULTS in SPECIFIC ANSWER TO OBJECTION (eg if "I haven't got time", answer In only 7minutes per day, eg "I've tried everything" answer "These New Developments Solve Problems that Other Solutions Have Not Been Able to Reach" --> <!--04. How TARGET WITH BIG OBJECTION solved PROBLEM, and how you can too. (eg Step by Step Guide: how time strapped poverty stricken working 23hours per day cripple that had been hit by a runaway rhinoceros and left with missing leg and blind in one eye solved his inner shy-ness and became successful pirate through the strategic use of a parrot - and how you can too!)--> <h1>Headline</h1> <!--Subhead - or How to Avoid Bad Consequence of not doing this --> <h2>Subhead</h2> <!-- 1st sentence only 3-4 words, curiosity based, entice in. eg Oh dear. eg Here it is. eg Don't do this.--> <p>entice</p> <p>problem</p> <p>imagine</p> <!--Can you imagine what it would be like if you had a magical result producing product--> <p>you could</p> <!--Just think - if you had that, you could -- consequences and benefits --> <p>More</p> <!--Further Consequences of doing that eg how others react--> <h2>Easy Way To Results!</h2> <!--make sure if just reading headings still makes sense, and also entice in --> <p>target and easy</p> <!-- If you XYZ, you may be millimetres away from awesome success, just waiting for you to do easy X--> <p>research</p><!--proof of why easy. Or how used in past, others used, typical results got--> <p>not fault</p><!--why most people been unable to use, Not your fault--> <p>lead in</p><!--Now it's your turn. Here's an easy, fast and fun way to (get results). It's so simple, you won't believe what happens--> <h2>here's how it works...</h2> <p>step01</p> <p>step02</p> <p>typical awesome results</p> <p>why works so well</p> <p>CTA</p><!--more to this, so click here to get XYZ.--> <p>includes</p> <!--XYZ includes, which gives,-->
Copy and paste this code into http://htmledit.squarefree.com/, then get editing. For website editing, use http://www.quackit.com/html/online-html-editor/ So get your fat arse into gear and just start writing!


[code language="html"] http://gettinglistings.com/ http://www.emailmastery.com/ https://www.facebook.com/deanjackson/posts/10153185667981072 http://thelistingnextdoor.com/ http://thelistingnextdoor.com/nextdoor.htm http://www.leadpages.net/register/ https://lp.leadpages.net/4step-landingpage-f https://lpinfo.leadpages.net/webinar-marketing-funnel-system-v1 http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/leadpages http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/leadpages/bonus/ https://lp.leadpages.net/save-40-percent [/code]

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